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Light it up

Have you noticed that when it rain it pours? One moment you find out that a family member has a terminal illness. Then later that day you have a flat tire while driving. And finally you arrive home to discover that your dryer has stopped working. It seems that life is knocking you down. There is no light at the end of the tunnel. Your life seems depressing and dark.

You feel that no one else in the world is going through anything as bad as you are.

Every single person has experienced sadness or moments in your life that unlikely things have occurred. But others still await their opportunity to come out of their dark place and into the newness that coming into the light awakens. I know it sounds crazy but, this is your time to light it up.

This is your opportunity to put your mind over matter and give to others. Help someone else and your problems will seem smaller. Find your light at the end of the tunnel. Allow your optimism to shine in the dark. Spark your fire and light it up.

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